User Persona’s
What is a user persona?
A persona, in user-centered design and marketing is a fictional character created to represent a user type that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way. They are usually, a persona is presented in a one or two-page document and at their core, personas are about creating products with a specific, not generic, user in mind.
What do they usually include?
- Persona name
- Photo
- Demographics (gender, age, location, marital status, family)
- Goals and needs
- Frustrations (or “pain points”)
- Behaviors
- Bits of personality (e.g. a quote or slogan that captures the personality)
Examples of persona’s
How do they help your designs?
Build empathy
Provide direction for making design decisions
User personas also help prevent common design pitfalls
Communicate research findings
My own user persona’s
I have drawn up 3 User Persona’s for my Elements project. Now that I have decided on what I want to do for my project I wanted to make some persona’s based on users that will use my app. I made these on Figma and I have included them below-
I enjoyed this task and I feel like I have gained more knowledge and insight that I can use to improve my elements project. I think that this task helped me so much as I was able to put myself in the users shoes and use their frustrations and UX needs to think of ways that I can better my project and its UX design. From these persona’s I learned that students just want something easy to use and straight forward. I think a big issue with student type apps is that they don’t feel old enough and they don’t feel suited to their age group. I want my application to be sophisticated and are older students feel like its aimed and made for them. I will continue my journey into the development of my project and I will keep developing and improving my iterations.