Reflecting on semester one

Below I added an image from my IXD journal and here I have reflected on what I want to improve on for next semester.



Finding Inspiration offline

Finishing semester one has encouraged me to reflect on my projects and I have come to the realisation that I want to get more design and creative inspiration off screen.

In my ixd journal I jotted down some uncommon sources of offline inspiration as this is something I have struggled to do, I want to break away from the restrictions of the screen and Google in particular. In my past projects over the course of the first semester I have gotten inspiration outside of the screen such as in nature and outside/street inspiration but I didn’t get as much off screen influence as I would have liked and I do feel it will make my designs better in many ways. So to break this cycle I have listed some places that are uncommon which I can use for future project inspiration.



I could visit museums and art galleries that focus on the area of photography. I should look at images and question the story behind them, similar to that I should observe composition, colour, and balance within an image to get ideas. I have researched that flea markets and charity shops could prove to be an insightful source as the may hold unique, vintage photographs.


Architecture and Interior design

Perhaps visiting new cities and travelling would provide me with new visions of culture and creative ideas. With architecture and interior design there’s likely an aesthetic style out there for every taste and every project.



This can include visiting museums and or craft shops. Seeing artists crafts and artworks would be a great source of creative inspiration, local craft fairs and even crafts shops like Etsy could provide worldwide influence from upcoming, quirky artists.



Music- This could included looking at artists album art or songs. Researching the latest trends within the music industry.

Movies and tv- Title sequences in movies and television shows would be a good place to start with creative inspiration. Set and costume design within this area of media may prove to unblock creative barriers, as well as this I should look for influences inside movies such as promo posters and ads.



I am interested in books and book covers, especially children illustration books I feel like they could be a great source of creative ideas. I should visit random book shops and libraries.


I have learned a lot from semester one in both IXD101 and IXD102, I have enhanced many of my existing skills and learned brand new ones. I think that this has been an important post for me, and has inspired me a lot already! I need to step away from places I normally seek inspiration from and take new and different paths, which could lead to entirely new creative outcomes. I have learned that I need to go out of my way and out of my comfort zone which is out of my online bubble and go see things that force me to think differently about situations and projects, I shouldn’t stay in my same routine which restricts me from coming up with the most creative solutions to my projects briefs. I plan on keeping the material I find using these type of sources in a folder and go back to it when I begin new projects and am short on inspiration. I am excited for what’s ahead and to see what challenges come next…


Semester one reflection
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