2d Animation has always been something I found interesting, and when I started to learn about how to make 2d Animations, I always found them fun albeit stressful and extremely timeconsuming but, seeing the final product was always extremely rewarding; Especially if it turned out well. When I joined the course, we went over the basics which was a good reminder as I do not often think about the principles of animation, when I make animations, I usually just start and see where it ends up. It was fun to work thorough the in-class workshops, as they are not something I would think to do unprompted, such as the “blob to character” workshop from week 5, it was something I found particularly fun, but not necessarily something I would just do on my own. The easy-to-understand video lectures on Blackboard really helped too, as if I was unsure about anything it was usually explained in those, or in examples that where given. I found the course very enjoyable and have especially enjoyed the group work as it gives me an easy way to talk to new people, although the constant swapping of groups at the start was a little stressful, but again, a good excuse to get to know more people in the class. Everyone came up with such amazing ideas, so picking a group to do the animation jam with was a difficult choice to make. But I am incredibly happy with the group I decided to work with. Everyone has been great, and it has really helped make the process of collaborating a lot less stressful. However, having a good group does not eliminate all the stress. I think it can sometimes do the opposite, as I see all this amazing work that my teammates are putting out and how quickly they seem to be able to do things, and it starts to make me stress out that I can’t keep up, or I am letting them down, or I am holding them back… And that is really demotivating. I want to produce the best work that I possibly can, but that is making my output speed slower. I am happy with the work that I am producing but it doesn’t feel like it is enough compared to how much everyone else seems to have. I understand that we are being marked individually so I really should not base my work on other people’s work as its only mine that affects my marks, but that is easier said than done. If I could restart the module, I think I would try to start things sooner, as my bad habit of pushing things of till tomorrow has not been helping with the feelings of insecurity in my work.  

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