Year 2 semester 2: lifting, jumping and lip syncing

reference for weight lifting



i feel like i just got better at 2D animation as soon as i submitted my work from semester 1 as this is noticeably better than my past animations using Toon Boom but saying that this took way longer than it should of because i was focusing too much on keeping the proportions of everything which doesn’t even look that good in the end result, so if i were to do this again i would draw a more sketchy ruff draft first so i can get that over and done with quicker and then start worrying about keeping it looking good.


Practicing parenting and unparenting an object from a rig.


this was just a really quick test of a jumping animation on Krita, forgot how to use it so i just rushed this animation which in a way makes it kind of look better than when i would spend ages on a 2D animation, just need to hold some frames like the build up to the jump and add another frame or two when it’s at the landing position and it would look pretty decent.

here’s a 3D version of a jumping animation, i was going for an over exaggerated landing but didn’t really turn out well because i think the legs are stretched out somehow and he stops wobbling too quickly also falls to the landing too slowly.

here’s my test lip-synch test, i like the first half but the last half i think the chin moves too much. Alec gave me feedback on how there is too much movement and i should have the eyebrows hold in a position  for a couple of frames.


Plan on animating this in 2D for my submission.

found this helpful for which mouth movements can still be used to show emotion

want to have some body movements in my lip-syncing animation and this video helped inspire some exaggeration.

this video helped with how to exaggerate movements.

feedback i got on this is to fix the lip-syncing near the end because i was trying to sync it to too many letters.

finally got this finished and it goes horribly off model every frame but this took so long to make i’m just glad to finish it, i would like to clean up the head movement during the nodding part and fix the caller to keep it more consistent in most frames but i still need to do the jumping animation so not really any time. i tried to make this character more expressive since this project focuses a lot on the face, i think i did pretty alright with what i was looking to do but if i added more inbetweens to smooth out some of the transitions from one pose to another i could have made it look better. not really fond of how big the mouth gets in some parts but it’s fine. something i’m surprised turned out pretty good was the hair, before it was more inconsistent until i went back and fixed some parts and now it’s the best part of the character.

here’s my run and jump, i think it turned out pretty well and probably has the cleanest lineart i’ve done on toonboom, just need to colour it and then finish my blog. i don’t think this shows much personality as i’ve copied too much of the video but i kinda like the slower lumbering movement as i feel it fits the character design. i was going to add a fedora but i’m cutting it too close to the deadline and i just want to finish this assignment already.

final version, i added a donut because i thought it would be funny to this charact randomly squash it.




accidently added three of the videos i already had the animation repeat three times so it repeated 9 times, whoopsie

final evaluation

Over the course of the second semester, I feel a noticeable  improvement in my 2D animation skills when Compared to last semester, like my understanding of the principles of animation has grown and I’ve experimented more at bringing characters to life through movement and expression during the lip-syncing project. It’s been an exciting journey of growth and learning, although I still ran into a few challenges during this semester, mostly with the software ToonBoom, I’ve found it a bit overwhelming at times and janky with moving around the keyframes on the timeline also when i would undo some it would somethings get stuck on the select tool and i have to spam some buttons on my drawing tablet until it works as normal again but that could be a problem with my drawing tablet rather than the software. The interface and tools are different from what I’m used to and it has taken me some time to navigate and fully get what everything does and if there’s easier ways of repetitive actions, and because of my lack of  knowledge of ToonBoom my workflow has been slower than I would have liked, and the dead line taking place so soon after Christmas was also unfortunate because of how busy i was with the holiday’s and birthdays but nothing really worth asking for an extension for.

One area that I’ve specifically struggled with is my line art as someone who’s not really used to drawing digitally, transitioning to digital drawing has been a learning curve as i’m learning on the spot while trying to make progress on the assignment. i find it hard to draw clean lines that seamlessly connect to each other and I find myself often erasing and redrawing lines multiple times to achieve the desired result only to look messy and have gaps when i zoom in closer during the coloring process. Despite these challenges, I remain committed to improving my skills, I’ve watched a few beginner tutorials and I’ve been experimenting with the different paint brushes, While i may be progressing slowly, I believe that every project i complete is step to improving. In order to improve my knowledge with ToonBoom, I’ve plan on familiarize myself with its features through personal projects using the software or watching more beginner tutorials, and maybe follow along to some step-by-step exercises on youtube, with this extra experience I hope to become more efficient and comfortable with the software, allowing me to focus more on the creative aspects of animation like making animation friendly character designs and to improve my line art.

if i were to do this assignment again i would better plan working on my assignment around the holidays and birthdays, and for my lip-synching i would stick to keeping frames as 1s or 2s because i think i have frames at 3s or more, i would also make my weight lifting animation for original and colour it but time wasn’t on my side, my run and jumping one is the better of the three i think and if i had more time i would ad and bit extra at the end.

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