WEEK TEN – Facial Animation PT.1 : Lip Sync

Lip Syncing

On week 10 we started looking into lip syncing.


Lip Sync – Blender

Using the reference below we had to recreate the Phoneme shapes using the Rain Rig.






<video of gooing through constants, vowels etc


<photo of mouth pose library>



Lip Sync – Toon Boom


I chose to animate one of the audio files provided from my lecturers, more specifically the “I smell human” audio. Using the 2D phenome reference I wrote out the dialogue and planned out what phenomes to use.


I stylized the shape of the mouth to reflect the speaker as from listening to the audio, I got the impression the speaker was displeased. While animating I struggled a bit with the ‘L’ Phenome, more specifically with the tongue. I tried to animate the tongue moving into position as the tongue felt it randomly appeared, but now looking back at my animation the tongue feels delayed. Other than that I do like how it turned out. I had difficulties trying to render the animation on Toon Boom so I recorded the animation on m phone then converted the .mov to .mp4 on Blender, similarly to my jump cycle last week.




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