WEEK SIX – Hair Sculpting

Hair References


I looked up photos of real life hairstyles and stylised/drawn hairstyles to use as references when sculpting hair. I really liked @Star_bite’s (Instagram) drawings of hair (bottom right, grey) as you can clearly see the shapes that make up the hair.



3D Sculpted Hair

I reused the head model from WEEK FOUR and modeled the hair based on the photo below.




<head with hair>



I’ve taken inspiration from an artist by the name of @Star_bite from Instagram*. I chose this specific hairstyle as it looked fun to do and i could practise with making hair strands and shaved hair.




Instead of hair, my character has leaves on his back vso I had to look into ways to recreate that.




References and Links:

*RHETTARO (@star_bite) • Instagram photos and videos

How to Create a Low Poly Tree in 1 Minute (youtube.com)

How to Create Ghibli Trees in 3D – Blender Tutorial (youtube.com)

Bing Videos



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