WEEK SEVEN – Intro to Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine


I was to create a suitable environment for my character using Unreal Engine 5. I was used to the controls on blender so I struggled with navigating the software.







References for Environment


To recreate the creature’s environment accurately I used notes I’d taken from breaking down Script 1*. The environment in the script is described as a “dense, ancient forest”, with trees closely compacted and intertwined together. It’s an enclosed space with little sunlight breaking through the thick canopy. I also wanted the environment to fit with the character’s design, as my creature’s inspired by birch wood I’m wanting to incorporate birch trees and vines. Using the world wide web I compiled many reference photos of forests and flora I’d want to incorporate into the world.



Concept Art


I made some rough thumbnails of my creature interacting with the fauna in his environment.



References and Links:

thick birch forest – Search Images (bing.com)

birch forests in uk – Search Images (bing.com)

Unreal Editor Interface | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

UE5 Console Variables and Commands

Placing Actors in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation


*Script 1

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