Gender – Yishay Garbasz

Yishay Garbasz is an Israeli-British citizen and transgender woman. She has traveled around numerous places to display her exhibitions. Yishay’s art discuses her transition and womanhood, the experience of trauma and the brutality of war. Here we see a unique display of experiences and her own expression of pain and the feeling of detachment. Yishay focuses on how generational trauma acts, something that fills most of her work and even outnumbers the production of her art that purely focuses on her identity. Here however we see something rarely – if at all – depicted in media, especially now. Here we see the multifaceted nature of transgender people, the ability to have the human experience of empathy, yet also struggle individually. She too voices the familiar experience of transgender people and the connection to suffering – an embedded and ingrained narrative that society perpetuates and in turn corners transgender people. Yishay presents to us the insufferability of existence for transgender communities, the weight of aggression and violence and burden of carrying this awareness and sensitivity. It is within Garbasz’ visionary work that she finds a relief, a way in which she can lay bare the baggage of the complexities of her pain, yet also voice the struggle of transgender experiences.


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