House Digital Development – 09/03/23

After finishing my previous colour designs, I wanted to briefly explore an idea that I had on procreate. I had been thinking about the stars as a light source, and wanted to try turning them into one digitally. I experimented with the different multiply and subtract tools, as well as gaussian blur and bloom. I created a series of three flat images and three animations as an experiment of the stars and inside of the fort lighting up. I was happiest with the first, bluest image as it was clearest, whilst the second was more of the colour of a swimming pool reflection, and the last one was too muddy. Although I don’t do animation, it was interesting to see how you could turn a traditional flat image into something more interactive.

animation 1

animation 2

animation 3

These were the designs that I did on photoshop, initially focusing on cleaning up the scanned image. We were told about all of the different tools that we needed for photoshop in order to clean up an image, as well as changing the overall colour of the image with the adjustments bar. I had some fun experimenting in the tine we had in the pc labs, and found it interesting to see just how much colour can change your image. These first six of the blanket forts were after I had cleaned up the scan, as well as changing the hue to different levels. I quite liked some elements of the different images, but I thought that the sixth one was the most consistent, as it looked like a night time scene of a sleepover or midnight snack trip. I also tried to do the same with my garage library chute, but found it harder to make it look nice, most likely due to the scale of how small everything was. I had more success with changing it all to one colour such as red, green or blue, and I preferred how that looked. As I had added colour, it was more interesting than just line art of those colours, as inside each line was a different shade of that colour that I thought looked nice. Overall, it was definitely a very useful exercise in learning what not to do for colour, and an introduction of some basic photoshop features.


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