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What is COVID-19?

COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus targeting the respiratory system of all age groups. Coronavirus has had a huge impact on the global economy, eduction, business and world trade over the past couple of years and is considered to be one of the deadliest diseases in the world.[1]

The first case of coronavirus originated in the Wuhan region of China and was first discovered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on December 31 2019.[2]

Symptoms Of Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a cardiovascular illness that affects the respiratory system.[3] People who have had the COVID-19 virus have said that it has cold or flu-like symptoms, with around 80% of cases being mild with no serious symptoms and about 20% of cases showing serious symptoms that require hospital treatment. Some symptoms like having a runny or block nose, sore throat and/or sneezing are less common and has only been seen in around 5% of cases. Serious symptoms have been more visible in patients who are vulnerable to the virus and more likely to catch it, these include people with pre-existing health conditions and the elderly.[4]

Symptoms will usually start to developed within 5-6 days of catching the virus, some cases have taken up to 14 days to start showing symptoms.[5]

List of common symptoms:

    • Fever/High-Temperature
    • Loss of Taste or Smell
    • New/Continuous Cough

Data collected from the NHS.[3]

Symptom Timeline

    • Day 2 – 14
      • Initial Infection
      • Develop Cough/Fever
      • Develop Headaches, Loss of Taste or Smell, Body Aches & Fatigue
    • Day 5
      • Difficulty Breathing
    • Day 7 – 11
      • Hospitalisation
      • Discharged After 1-2 Weeks
    • Day 12
      • ICU Admission
      • Discharged After 4 Weeks
    • Day 18
      • Death

Data collected from Business Insider from reliable sources like the CDC and WHO.[6]

Cases & Deaths

498,672,083 Confirmed Cases Globally

6,202,351 Confirmed Deaths Globally

All data collected from Worldometer.[7]

      • Cases – 183,717,670
      • Deaths – 1,789,164
North America
      • Cases – 97,040,668
      • Deaths – 1,448,833
      • Cases – 143,621,907
      • Deaths – 1,410,995
South America
      • Cases – 56,397,124
      • Deaths – 1,290,561
      • Cases – 11,792,858
      • Deaths – 253,142
      • Cases – 6,101,135
      • Deaths – 9,641
      • Europe – 36.84%
      • North America – 19.46%
      • Asia – 28.8%
      • South America – 11.31%
      • Africa – 2.36%
      • Australia – 1.22%
      • Europe – 28.85%
      • North America – 23.36%
      • Asia – 22.75%
      • South America – 20.81%
      • Africa – 4.08%
      • Australia – 0.16%


How COVID-19 Accelerated The Digital Age

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm causing business to shut down due to not having any traffic in their physical stores, this caused a huge increase in digital products across multiple industries like entertainment, retail, finance and banking. When COVID-19 began to spread like wildfire across the world countries were forced into lockdown causing businesses to close their doors and workers being made redundant. We began to see people begin to take profits from stocks with the Dow Jones Index dropping by 38.44%.[8]

Data collected from Trading View.


The entertainment industry took a huge hit during the coronavirus pandemic, due to theatres and cinemas having to close their doors during lockdown digital streaming services started to be more popular. Cineworld stock crashed by 92.21% from January 1st 2020 to January 1st 2022 while Netflix stock increased 118.71% during the same time period as people were watching movies and series at home following government guidance.

      • Cineworld down 92.21%
      • Netflix up 118.71%


The coronavirus had a huge impact on the financial industry and global economy, with governments issuing nationwide lockdowns they had to provide a furlough scheme to ensure the economy didn’t sink. As businesses started to close their doors and people unemployment began to rise we started to see people taking profits on investments and start looking at stores of wealth like Gold and Bitcoin. The Dow Jone Index increased 103.60% from January 1st 2020 to January 1st 2022 while Bitcoin increased a massive 1831.39% as people started to gain interest in digital currencies and digital assets.

      • Dow Jones Index up 103.60%
      • Bitcoin up 1831.39%



Washing your hands and maintaining good hygiene is crucial to stopping the spread of coronavirus, wearing a mask over your mouth and nose will decrease the risk of catching or spreading the virus and maintaining social distance measure will reduce the risk even further.[9] Vaccinations are another great way of preventing the risk of serious health problems from coronavirus in addition to receiving your booster dose of the vaccine each year for further protection from the virus. Extreme measures had to be taken at the start of the pandemic where governments had to go into nationwide lockdowns to attempt to stop the spread of the virus and reduce the amount of cases and deaths across the world.[10]

    • Wear A Mask
    • Wash Your Hands
    • Stay At Home


11.4 Billion doses have been given worldwide.[11]

5,095,226,868 people have received their first dose of the vaccine globally.[11]

4,586,702,670 people have received both doses of the vaccine globally.[11]

1,709,611,779 people have received the booster dose of the vaccine globally.[11]

Percentage Values
      • 1st Dose Globally – 65.3%
      • 2nd Dose Globally – 58.8%
      • Booster Globally – 21.9%


  1. Coronavirus . 2022. Coronavirus . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  2. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) . 2022. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  3. 2022. Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in adults – NHS. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  4. Coronavirus Symptoms (COVID-19) – Worldometer. 2022. Coronavirus Symptoms (COVID-19) – Worldometer. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  5. Coronavirus . 2022. Coronavirus . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  6. Business Insider. 2022. Nine People Who Attended Trump’s Minnesota Rally Contracted COVID-19. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  7. COVID Live – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer. 2022. COVID Live – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  8. TradingView. 2022. TradingView – Track All Markets. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  9. GOV.UK. 2022. [Withdrawn] Face coverings: when to wear one, exemptions and what makes a good one – GOV.UK . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  10. Advice for the public . 2022. Advice for the public . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].
  11. Our World in Data. 2022. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations – Our World in Data. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2022].

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