Week 12 IXD301 Critique & User testing

It is the final week in term and we have to present and critique our work. My prototype was not completely functional at this point of the project as I had planned to work over the Christmas break. The feedback I got about my designs however was very useful. During the process, I had become too hung up on the games and challenges involved in the game and the content design side had fallen short, without the feedback session I may not have noticed this in time.

I was pitched the idea of having a toolbar or menu involved so I will look into this going forward, As the content was lost I have decided to recycle what I already have and create a more simple game. The purpose of the game will be now to find elements within a cave used to create a rocket and its various components.

After the critique, I re-designed my previous concept slightly as can be seen below. Now within the cave, the user has a chance to locate and click on each element learning what the element is and what it’s used for in the process of rocketry.





To finish the project I had to perform some user testing. I was unable to get access to a child of the target age group but I have a young nephew and tested my app with him. He liked the characters and now he keeps asking me if he can play with the eggs. He had no problems navigating the app although when it came to closing the element information windows so I expanded the click size for these screens ensuring it overlapped the close button by a larger margin. As my nephew cant read at an 8-year-old level I had problems determining whether or not the type-face was a good enough size and font to understand the writing. If I could do this project again I would have arranged an appointment with my younger cousins who are within the target age range, I believe the date my prototype was finished affected this so going forward better time management will be critical.



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