Finalised animations before Rendering!

This is a playblast of the finalised animations, without the lighting and rendering, of course!! Im overall happy with how the scenes came out, including the end scene which was admittedly a bit of a tack on!! The animation in it is something Im actually proud of, at least for my first proper 3D animation!!…Continue Reading Finalised animations before Rendering!

Buddy Rig

This is my finalised Buddy rig that I will be using in my final animation! The rig has parent constraints as to make the process more simpler for a total newbie like me, as well as giving the model colours so that he can stand out from the rest of the naturesque background! It also…Continue Reading Buddy Rig

Other props to add into background!

This is just some basic modelling for various props that would be added into my scene, the most important one being the kennel model where Buddy is going to be deactivated in!! It allowed me to learn how to make holes in different objects, which can be a useful skill for when I do eventually…Continue Reading Other props to add into background!

Points and Constraints and jumping exercise!

This was my class assignment for rigging and animating, as I had to use point and constrain to make the ferris wheel move without making the compartments play out, and a jumping exercise to help me figure out different ways of animating! The animating one was especially informational as it helped me to find out…Continue Reading Points and Constraints and jumping exercise!


This was also part of the concept phase, as different scenery based ideas that could be used in our animation! After a while, I decided to forgo a lot of the more industrial buildings as I decided that it might be a little too difficult to model, and opted to make it more natural, especially…Continue Reading Scenery

Assignment relfection and evaluation!

my assignment went through a lot of changes during the time in which i was doing it. My laptop is not built for most things, especially maya and substance painter, so it was a hassle being able to put them both in, but I’m genuinely happy with how it came out! Learning Maya was fairly…Continue Reading Assignment relfection and evaluation!