IXD301 – Crazy 8’s & User Stories (Week Two)

In today’s class we learned about content curation and user stories.

Content curation is wading through all the content on the internet and taking what is relevant and presenting it in an organised, meaningful and relevant manner. It usually follows the format of

Find -> organise -> share

Content for a website can come from:

  1. The client, e.g. info about their product that they’d like you to display on their website in a readable, visually pleasing format
  2. Self-generated, e.g. blogging
  3. Wikipedia/3rd party sites
  4. User-generated, e.g. content from instagram, twitter and other social media sites

Content curation should be :

  • Appropiate
  • Useful
  • Concise
  • User Centered
  • Supported

User StoriesĀ help you to clarify what kind of content you need to display on your site. This can be done through the following format:

As a _______

I want to _______

So I can _______


During class we had to create some User Stories for our own websites and these are some of the ones I came up with:

As an employer, I want to learn more about the designer so I can see if they are a right fit for our team

As an employer, I want to view the designers’ previous work so I can determine their skill level

As a business owner, I want to see what services the designer offers so I can find out if they can create what I am looking for

As an employer/business owner, I want to call or email the designer so I can discuss working together

As an employer/business owner, I want to read reviews/testimonials of past clients so I can find out what they are like to work with

As a fellow designer/student, I want to see what a designer includes in their portfolio so I can gain inspiration and ideas


Crazy 8s

We also played a game called ‘Crazy 8’s’ which I’d never heard of before but I found a really useful exercise to think more creatively. We basically had to come up with 8 website page layouts in 8 minutes. I thought this would’ve been really hard but after the first one or two it actually became very easy. I found it really interesting to see what ideas I came up with within time constraints and it actually made me reconsider some of my wireframe layouts from last week as I found a couple layouts that I felt might be more effective than my original idea.

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