Semester 2 Year 2: Assignment 1 – Reflection

I initially began working very hard and constantly in the project because I was neverous about working on a video game. Additionally, not being familiar with video game development made me fixate on this project for most of this semester which bit me in the ass later as I had to temporarily stop working on the project to get the other assignments done. Looking back on it all I just needed to schedule everything better and balance out my time between the other assignments.

So in the future I’ll be sure to work on all my projects equally from the start.

Working in the team was fun as everyone bounced of ideas off of each other and gave feedback. I kinda skipped out on the meetings we had towards the end because of the time constriants but usually made it a point to be there for the meetings and update everyone on my progress and any issues I was having or on what they would want me to change about the model.

I do also feel like I should have put in more input into the other aspects of the project besides just what I was working on as I feel I could have given some helpful advice if I had taken the time to look at what everyone was working on. Not to an excessive extent, just for regular check ups and have more interactions with my team-mates.

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