Graphic Design & Illustration Workshop – Contextual Research, The Stone Twins

For my second workshop, graphic design & illustration, we were asked to research 3 graphic designers or illustrators. The first artist I decided to do some research into is The Stone Twins.

The Stone Twins are a creative brand consultancy who are based in Amsterdam. The Stone Twins is ran and owned by twin brothers who strive to combine personality and wit with creativity and strategy to help clients pinpoint the most powerful brand narrative. They then create a unique and fascinating verbal and visual expression in a holistic manner.

They’re a company who run on intuition, experience and curiosity and who believe in the power of storytelling. They also understand that a unique brand story has the ability to connect with people on an emotional level that allows people to engage with the brand, command their attention or inspiring loyalty. The Stone Twins have a reputation for delivering and creating disruptive, outspoken and ambitious design ideas.

One such design idea is their “Stop, Look, Listen, Think” project. They were challenged by Museum Quarter Amsterdam to change a huge building wrap into public art. They used this project to comment on smartphone addiction which is a disorder that involves a compulsive overuse of our mobile devices which affects our physical and mental health along with our relationships and more. “Stop, Look, Listen, Think” is an appropriation of the well known and iconic road safety slogan. The idea behind the project is to call to the public to put down their phones and think about what’s actually important in life.

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