Year: 2022

IXD103 Week 5: Colour and Guidelines

Colour in Branding Why is colour so important within our brands?  Colour is not a factor that should be overlooked when it comes to the making of your brand as it contributes in similar ways to the logo mark does. Colour is going to be consistent in your brand so, it makes sense that much…Continue Reading IXD103 Week 5: Colour and Guidelines

IXD103 Week 2: Wordmarks

The Wordmark Looking at the beginners’ guide to what is a Wordmark, it gives a noticeably clear understanding into logotype. A Wordmark is a logo design solely of the word of the brand. These logo designs are simple yet clear and memorable while including the right typography and spacing. All those factors are important when…Continue Reading IXD103 Week 2: Wordmarks

Deliverable 01- Type Specimen for Screen

For the first project of the course, our task was to create a type specimen of one of the six fonts that were giving to us. These six fonts where: Futura Gill Sans Helvetica Palatino Times New Roman Baskerville To get a grasp of every font, I did a little research around each; this also…Continue Reading Deliverable 01- Type Specimen for Screen

Deliverable 03: Essay and Web Essay

Essay            How did Armin Hofmann help shape Modernism and the Swiss style           that we know today?   Armin Hofmann played a crucial role to the success of the art and design movement known as the International Typographic styles; it was what helped launch the geometrical forms used in design we…Continue Reading Deliverable 03: Essay and Web Essay

Deliverable 02: Design History Presentation

MY RESEARCH Web Design Pioneers  Google slides – for presentation  Facebook Messenger – Exchanging information and way of contact with the group  Blackboard Collab – seeing each other face to face for discussion on the PowerPoint.   Ideas for slides: • HTML- Tim Barnes Lee • W3 Web Standards • First official…Continue Reading Deliverable 02: Design History Presentation