IXD104 Week 5: ‘Illustrating Interfaces’

Illustrating Interfaces

The Interface

An interface can be defined as a program that is set up to allow a user to interact through a network on a laptop or phone. This can also come down to the controls as well as the program itself.
While starting off, Ian Spalter was someone we looked at due to the Netflix series that explained the digital product design. Ian Spalter is the head of Instagram in Japan and is a very experienced designer. The focus of this episode shows that product strategy is something that needs to be important when it comes to making your own design. The more you input your idea, the more you will find success with what you are producing. However, you should want to create a product that is still clear of what its purpose for as the easier it is the more trust that consumer has over your brand. What I liked about the Netflix episode was how Spalter pointed out that your work is never really finished as it is a revisited project and there will always be something you could fix or something you could develop into something better and more efficient. Overall, I thought it was a significant help for a student in UX/UI as it showed how to approach the project and what you can expect when starting that journey.

The essence of Illustration

What is to illustrate?

To illustrate, it is to make something clearer and to clarify straight to the point. For designers this is done in a visual representation that helps explain when there is too much information or when to highlight certain areas.
Through the lecture, we were given some tips on which we should do when we illustrate.
1. Using a thicker pen- Using a thicker pen can help with achieving a cleaner and clearer sketch and will bring your idea more to life on paper than what pencil can do.
2. Draw straight lines-Try being as accurate as you can be and by using straight lines, you will see a clearer version of what you are trying to create.
3. Be thoughtful about colour- Colour can be interesting to play around with but adding the wrong combination or using too much colour could be distracting.
4. Make your sketches comprehensible- Making the sketches easy to identify will help you better understand where you are trying to go with your illustrations.
5. Use the right gear- make sure you have the right tools around you as it can help with the outcome you want to achieve.
6. Time yourself- See how long it takes to create your illustrations as it could show if you need to spend more time or less time.
Illustrations within UI should have an attraction and uniqueness to the design, however, should have a clear and simple outcome to let users understand.

Mascots and Characters

Why does this bring so much more life to your project when you include characters and Mascots? Adding these features can do a lot for your brand as you are creating tiny personalities that represent your brand and are like a public figure that advertises your brand. This enhances your brand as it improves communication with your customers and allows you to be creative with how you want your brand to represent. Many look to these features as a way of being comfortable as it establishes safety with your brand.

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