Day: May 17, 2022

IXD104 Week 6: ‘Trying it all together’

Trying  it all together Jakobs Law Today’s lecture, we explored all the different laws and guides there is within UX and UI design, beginning with Jakobs Law. This law was founded by Jakob Nielsen which states that Users when it comes to any interaction design already know the basics or one way of using that…Continue Reading IXD104 Week 6: ‘Trying it all together’

IXD104 Week 5: ‘Illustrating Interfaces’

Illustrating Interfaces The Interface An interface can be defined as a program that is set up to allow a user to interact through a network on a laptop or phone. This can also come down to the controls as well as the program itself. While starting off, Ian Spalter was someone we looked at due…Continue Reading IXD104 Week 5: ‘Illustrating Interfaces’

IXD104 Week 4: ‘Photography and Photographers’

What is Photography? Photography is a process of capturing an image along with considering other factors as well such as the lighting, the setting and making sure everything is where it is meant to be. When looking at how the photography is captured, using grid has become a way that helps the composition of your…Continue Reading IXD104 Week 4: ‘Photography and Photographers’

IXD104 Week 3: ‘Getting iconic’

Objectified by Gary Hustwit Gary Hustwit is a highly successful film maker and visual artist with his works being popular in over 20 cites and being approached by big platforms such as Netflix, HBO, and BBC. With his work being highly favored, his documentary ‘Objectified’ would continue to highlight this even further. The documentary is…Continue Reading IXD104 Week 3: ‘Getting iconic’

IXD104 Week 2: ‘Hand to mouse’

Hand to mouse What is the hand approach to design? The ‘hand’ approach is the illustrative technique that is created by hand. This technique is a messier approach but can have a lot of freedom with. These kinds of illustrations can be done anywhere and are much more accessible to do. Dan Fern Dan Fern…Continue Reading IXD104 Week 2: ‘Hand to mouse’

Deliverable 3 IXD103: Research

IXD 103 Week 1: Exploring identity IXD103 Week 2: Wordmarks IXD103 Week 4: Logomarks IXD103 Week 5: Colour and Guidelines IXD103 Week 6: Touchpoints IXD103 Week 7: Landing Pages IXD103 Week 9: Research and Medium Article IXD103 Week 10: Personal Branding IXD103 Self reflection Medium Link  …Continue Reading Deliverable 3 IXD103: Research

Deliverable two IXD103: Personal branding

Starting my research off with looking at what’s a personal brand along with personal branding as the two have different definitions and can easily become mixed up. The phrase Personal brand is what others think and interact if your brand. It is what others make of your reputation. Personal branding is what you create and…Continue Reading Deliverable two IXD103: Personal branding

IXD104 Week 1: Image and Data visualisation

“A picture is worth a thousand words”  Images  This phrase is known by many as it is something we are taught at a noticeably early age. A simple picture can display so much at one time without having any words on top. This makes images so important as this is a form of communication that…Continue Reading IXD104 Week 1: Image and Data visualisation