Project 00: Manifesto

Coming up with Ideas of a manifesto that would help determine myself, I looked to focus on mental health as I live with severe anxiety and this would be a subject I would love to tackle. My research starts with looking at mental health manifestos in general and I came across a website that showed me a collection of mottos and quotes that help with bring action to mental health. This website overall was helpful, however, I wanted to do something much more personal and ting bit humorous as it would be a much more of a manifesto I already do in life.

My Manifesto is: Don’t sweat the Small stuff.

The quote comes from the author Richard Carlson as it is a book that helps with dealing and tackling mental health obstacles, however, this phrase is more personal as it was a phrase my dad said to me when I become aware of my anxiety. It was always a humorous approach to something I struggled with and it always made a situation very light hearted and more calming for myself. The phrase is very colloquial which shows the humorous tone, though it is short and simple and really straight to the point; not overly complicated.



My connection with this phrase is to something that I link with childish or innocence as that is how it appears, so I looked into ideas I could use around me and I came Across a octopus teddy that flips in and out and shows a different feeling when flipped. The teddy deals with emotion and I thought it would be an innocent was to showcase my manifesto. When research the motto, I also came across the phrase that was very innocently shown on a website that deals with mental motivation.


This appearance is very simple but calming and playful which was something that appeal with as well, but there was also another layout I also liked which was very simplistic album covers any sole album covers that I like was Frank Ocean and Sex Pistols.




When using photos of the Octopus i used both sides of the emotions on the teddy and it was the blue side ,that showed to me frustration, was the side I liked best and with the text I wanted to repeat It on the manifesto and put it along the the side, vertical instead of Horizontal.

I then found a Parental Advisory label to put on the cover to creat that simplicity of an album and now I had an overall final outcome.


My Paper outcome took a different approach from what I created on my iPad as I was wanted to explore more originative ways to achieve what I created, however, that didn’t go to plan. I originally painted the octopus and found scrabble letters, ( as I thought it also went with the childish idea), to create font on paper though, I didn’t like that outcome. Instead I looked at my painting and mixing page and thought it was a simple and colourful background that would make the scrabble letters stand out. I was now left with a different outcome from what I created on my iPad and went with another approach on my manifesto.

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