Designing Icons

The recreation of these icons was very helpful into understanding more how figma works and how detailed you can get with simple shapes and was a very good excise to help create icons and build my confidence for this projects illustrations/icons.

When it came to designing my own icons, I sketched out very basic ideas for icons for my pages, as I found it was better for me to have a general idea of what I want  and go straight to playing with shapes digitally as I could make adjustments much more easily and it was easier to gather inspiration by simply searching the word and seeing what comes up and messing around with ideas from that and my own sketches. It was much easier to make the icons match when on digital which helped when deciding what icons are best to go with. One that was a bit more difficult to design was the activities page as activities are very diverse.

These are the search results to take general inspiration from in. The last images is the icons a local accommodation uses to promote its featue in the location it is at.

For my icons I wanted them to be quite rounded and I decided to keep them as line work; I made this decision based on the fact there would be a good bit of text and the images with have a lot of detail, so I didn’t want the pages too busy and as they were only page icons and not the main illustrations I felt this was the best move.

The first icon is places to eat and I decided to go with a cup rather than knife and fork as I felt knife and fork indicated meals/dinners and I didn’t want to limit the possibilities of places to eat and wanted small cafes/coffee shacks to be options of place eat. For the second icon accommodation, I went with a bed as universally its the best option in accommodating a wide range of options of stay. The third icon of mountains is self explanatory as its about the Mournes which in turn you should expect hiking/walking to be involved. The last was the hardest to decided what to do for activities but I ultimately went with a bike as mountain biking is quite popular in the area, and people also like cycling along the coast so i felt it made sense to be the icon.

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