Week 8 – Storyboarding & Animating With Forms

This week we looked at creating a storyboard for our Design-A-World Project as well as animating with forms. (Source: https://www.deviantart.com/adventuresofp2/art/LILO-and-STITCH-2-STORYBOARDS-534200426) The best way to describe what a storyboard is would likely be that it’s a visual script. The goal of a storyboard is to show the layouts of a scene, the position of the charactersContinue reading Week 8 – Storyboarding & Animating With Forms

Week 7 – Animation Introduction (Ball Bounce)

This week we looked at the bouncing ball animation exercise. (Source: https://www.angryanimator.com/word/2010/11/26/animation-tutorial-1-bouncing-ball/) The bouncing ball is a classic animation exercise that is still useful and practiced today. The bouncing ball is arguably the core animation exercise. It covers many of the 12 principles of animation such as timing, spacing, squash and stretch, arcs, slow inContinue reading Week 7 – Animation Introduction (Ball Bounce)

Week 2 – Composition & Perspective

In week two, we studied composition and perspective, what they are, and how to effectively utilize them in our works. This week also began the ongoing Design-A-World project in which we were grouped up to create and flesh out a world concept. (Source: https://goodmorningaomori.wordpress.com/2020/07/15/peeling-thumbnails/)   Composition and perspective are fundamental to both art and animation.Continue reading Week 2 – Composition & Perspective