
The system automatically converts content, authored by academic staff, into alternative formats that are more accessible for users. It also allows users to download content in a version that they prefer. For example, a Word document could be downloaded as a PDF, an ePub or a mp3 audio version.

It will be clear to students which resources can be downloaded as alternative formats as an ‘Alternative formats’ icon will be displayed beside the item name as in Figure 1.

Figure 1:

Note: only text-based materials can be converted, video will not be included in this functionality. For sensitive material, alternative format functionality can be turned off at the level of individual resources, this can be seen in figure 2.

Figure 2: Alternative formats within the student view in the VLE

Possible formats:

  1. Tagged PDF: Downloads to device
  2. HTML: Opens in a new browser window
  3. ePub: Downloads to device
  4. Electronic braille: Downloads to device
  5. Audio: Downloads to device
  6. BeeLine Reader: Opens in the browser window
  7. Translated version: Downloads to device

Students will be able to download alternatives format on the mobile app, but they may be more limited.

Ally detects password-protected content and gives the content a 0% accessibility score. Ally then provides guidance to help remove the password through the instructor feedback. Ally doesn’t generate any alternative formats for password protected content, as access to the actual content is not possible.