Guest Webinar: Kate Molloy

On Monday 30th May Kate Molloy joined us to share her learning journey of implementing Blackboard Ally in National University Ireland Galway at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. The recording is now available below and the slides underneath.

Kate Molloy is a Learning Technologist with the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at NUI Galway and is currently the NUI Galway lead on the Irish Universities Association Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning project. Kate has worked extensively around inclusive teaching and learning and was part of the National Forum funded Inclusive Learning at NUI Galway project. Kate was instrumental in the pilot and subsequent mainstreaming of Blackboard Ally at NUI Galway. She facilitates the National Forum’s open course, Universal Design for Teaching and Learning, at NUI Galway.

Slides in PDF: Inclusive Digital Learning with Blackboard Ally at NUI Galway