Day: October 29, 2021

#IXD302 Week 9 – Pitching & Presenting

In today’s class, we went over all about conducting and preparing to pitch products. Kyle opened the class with a scenario where he asked a few students to come up to the stage with him while asking their current state of emotions in front of the audience. As most would expect it was unnerving with…Continue Reading #IXD302 Week 9 – Pitching & Presenting

IXD302 Week 10 – Proof of Concept & Initial Research

Today’s lecture is about creating a strong vision for our pitch. This includes conducting various research and gathering factual material to solidify our product. SWOT Analysis  Swot analysis is something we have done last year with Daniel for our personal brand. It helps define our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats thus being called ‘SWOT’. It…Continue Reading IXD302 Week 10 – Proof of Concept & Initial Research

#IXD302 Week 8 – Idea Generation

In today’s class, Daniel presented us with a brief on our intended presentation deliverable and how to start the ideation process. Daniel started the class about our blogs and showed a ‘danger’ list of each student in the class. I was in the red. This is done as a wake-up call and start creating blogs….Continue Reading #IXD302 Week 8 – Idea Generation