Group videos

There are many ways to organise how you will work together in your group. You may want to record some clips as a group, some clips individually, and put the video together from a mix of sources.

You can achieve this with online video editing features and shared folders.

The first step to assembling a group video is to create a Shared Folder. This folder should be created by the individual who will edit the final video. Each member of the group the uploads the section they have recorded to the shared folder.

Create a folder in a personal area

To access your personal folder, go to

Click My Folder, click Create and choose New Folder

  • Or click Add folderĀ in the folder section of the pagea screenshot of the Add folder button

Share the folder

The next step will make the folder you have created available to other users. Once shared, the folder will appear in the folder list in their My Folder.

  • First click the new, empty folder you have created and click the share icon.
screenshot of the share icon
  • UnderĀ People and Groups, click Change and confirm by clicking Stop inheriting
People and group section of the Share options
  • You can now enter email addresses of people who need to upload video sections to the folder. You also assign people the ability to edit the videos inside the folder. In order for all members of the group to add their video to the folder, they must be given Creator role.
changing roles to creator
  • Students within the group should create their videos in this folder. Alternatively, if videos have been created in a different folder, they can be moved to this location.
  • Now that all sections of the video are in the same folder, the videos can be combined using the technique described in the Editing a Video section: Inserting a Clip or Video.