Getting Started

This resource is designed to assist you with your video assessment submission.

You can create videos for submissions using different methods. This guide will show you how to upload video files (a video you have already recorded) and how to record a video directly from the submission box in Blackboard Ultra.

Video Assignment submission consists of at least three steps:

  • Uploading/Recording your video
  • Selecting your video for submission
  • Submitting your chosen video

You will know that you have completed the process when you are presented with the Submission Receipt.

Starting your video file submission:

  1. Click in the box to open the menu:Screenshot of the opened drop-box submission page

  2. With the menu opened, click the + icon:Screenshot of the text box menu, pointing at the plus icon

  3. In the drop-down menu, choose Content Market

  4. In the Institution Tools page, choose Panopto Student SubmissionScreenshot of the Institution Tools page. The Panopto Submission button is highlighted

  5. You are now presented with 3 options:
Screenshot of the three options offered by the Panopto LTI

6. Choose which option you want to follow:

  1. Choose: Once you have uploaded or recorded your video, it will appear on this list. Selecting a video here reveals the Submit button.
  2. Upload: If you recorded your video with your phone, Teams, or some other means, you should upload it here. Once uploaded, the video will be available for you to choose from.
  3. Record: Choose this option to start a new recording using Panopto. You can record your web camera and screen simultaneously.

Once you have uploaded or recorded your video, you must go back to the Choose tab to finish the submission process.


Once you have uploaded or recorded your video, you must go back to the Choose tab to finish the submission process.

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