3D Digital Literacy: Assignment 2 – Organic Modelling

Assignment 2 – Organic Modelling – Deadline: Sunday 16th May – 50%   (COMPILATION POST OF ALL WORK AND REFERENCES DURING ASSIGNMENT 2)   MODULE INTRODUCTION:   We were given our second modelling assignment that was initially due for the 14th but was moved back to the 16th of May. We were tasked to model/sculptContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy: Assignment 2 – Organic Modelling

Week 7 – Organic Modelling Intro / Animation Practice and Introduction to Rigging

WEEK  7 – ORGANIC MODELLING INTRO / ANIMATION PRACTICE AND INTRODUCTION TO RIGGING   3D Digital Literacy: This week, Henry began teaching us how to sculpt more organic models using the program Blender.   Animated Narratives: In the morning we practised animating with the Ultimate Walker Rig and having a simple jump on the spotContinue reading Week 7 – Organic Modelling Intro / Animation Practice and Introduction to Rigging

Assignment 1 – Introduction to 3D Modelling – 7th March – 50% – Complete Compilation Post

ASSIGNMENT 1 – Introduction to 3D Modelling – 7th March – 50% (COMPILATION POST OF ALL WORK AND REFERENCES DURING ASSIGNMENT 1 )   WEEK  1 – MODULE INTRODUCTION: We were introduced to the new semester and given our next modules that we would be working on. We would be focusing on 3D Digital LiteracyContinue reading Assignment 1 – Introduction to 3D Modelling – 7th March – 50% – Complete Compilation Post