S1 WEEK 1-2   Task 1: Search for different jobs roles within animation. Report back in your blog with the job roles that you can find and write a brief reflection at the description of one of the jobs you find.   Job Roles:  3D Modeler  Animator  Art Director  Film and Video Editor  Flash Animator  GraphicContinue reading WEEK 1 – 2 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE

3D Digital Literacy: Reflection

3D Digital Literacy: Assignment 2 – Reflection     This second assignment to model a cute character was definitely very difficult and time consuming especially alongside other assignments and work, however I found it really enjoyable to design and sculpt using Blender for the first time! I started with very little knowledge of modelling withContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy: Reflection

3D Digital Literacy: Assignment 2 – Organic Modelling

Assignment 2 – Organic Modelling – Deadline: Sunday 16th May – 50%   (COMPILATION POST OF ALL WORK AND REFERENCES DURING ASSIGNMENT 2)   MODULE INTRODUCTION:   We were given our second modelling assignment that was initially due for the 14th but was moved back to the 16th of May. We were tasked to model/sculptContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy: Assignment 2 – Organic Modelling


Reflection: Animated Narrative Module and First Year   Module Conclusion and Reflection –   Although this year has been quite challenging due to Covid-19 in terms of learning and classes, overall, I think this year has been very eye-opening and somewhat a positive experience.   This module has taught me a considerable amount since IContinue reading REFLECTION: ANIMATED NARRATIVES MODULE AND FIRST YEAR

Portfolio – Assignment 3 – Animated Short

Portfolio – Assignment 3 – Animated Short Concept Art: All of the concept art and art I made for our group’s animation:   Character Concept Design –   Environment Concept Design –   Prop Concept Design: Potion Bottles –   Final Potion Models –   Scrapped Label Design – Models: All of the models IContinue reading Portfolio – Assignment 3 – Animated Short

Assignment 3 – Animated Narratives – 15-30 second Animated short

Assignment 3: 15-30 second Animated short – Monday 10th May – 60% Theme – ‘ Adventure ‘   Our third assignment was a group assignment where we had to organise ourselves into groups of five people and were tasked with creating a 3D animated short based on the theme of ‘Adventure’.   For our Adventure animation, myselfContinue reading Assignment 3 – Animated Narratives – 15-30 second Animated short

Assignment 2 – Animation Studies – Reflection, Development, Reference and Research

Assignment 2 – Animation Studies – 6th April – 30% Reflection, Development, Reference and Research   For this assignment, we had to create two short animations: A study in weight of motion / body mechanics of the character – An action the involves the whole body moving – for example jumping. A study in conveying emotion /Continue reading Assignment 2 – Animation Studies – Reflection, Development, Reference and Research