Week 13 – Final Animation & Portfolio for Semester 1

WEEK  13 – Final Animation   Our final week of this semester, Week 13, was mostly about finishing our parts of the group animation. Over the weekend, I had completed my animation line art and sent it into my group for evaluation. I was told that it mostly worked really well but I could addContinue reading Week 13 – Final Animation & Portfolio for Semester 1

Week 12 – Presentations and Assignment Update

WEEK  12 – PRESENTATION AND ASSIGNMENT UPDATE   For Week 12 we had to create and prerecord a 10-minute presentation in our animation groups for this Thursday. We were given a final year’s animation pitch which was really helpful as a guide for us on what we could include and talk about in our presentation.Continue reading Week 12 – Presentations and Assignment Update

Week 11 – One to One feedback tutorials & Animating 2D effects

WEEK  11– ONE TO ONE FEEDBACK TUTORIALS & ANIMATING 2D EFFECTS   For Week 11, we had one on one tutorials with one of the lecturers. I was paired with Sarah who looked over my rough animation and suggested I hold the pose before the shock and exclamation point. This, I found out, helped aContinue reading Week 11 – One to One feedback tutorials & Animating 2D effects

Week 10 – Reflective Blog & Peer Review & Animating Animals

WEEK 10 – REFLECTIVE BLOG & PEER REVIEW & ANIMATING ANIMALS   During Week 10, our lecture was on Animating Animals in which we had a talk from Sarah on how to animate quadrupeds and bird wings. We looked at the book, The Animator’s Survival Kit by Richard Williams for guidance and reference.   SheContinue reading Week 10 – Reflective Blog & Peer Review & Animating Animals

Week 9 – Animatics and Secondary Actions

WEEK 9 – ANIMATICS AND SECONDARY ACTIONS   During Week 9, our lecture was on creating an Animatic for our animation and the secondary actions within animation movements. We looked at how to go about creating an animatic, focusing on timing for camera edits and movements across the frames. Animatics do not have to beContinue reading Week 9 – Animatics and Secondary Actions

Week 8 – Storyboarding & Animating with Forms

WEEK 8 – STORYBOARDING & ANIMATING WITH FORMS   Week 8, we had a lecture on Animation Storyboarding. We looked at the main components of creating an animation storyboard including the synopsis, staging, storytelling, composition and creating animatics. We were told how to make an effective story and storyboard by looking at other animation studios’Continue reading Week 8 – Storyboarding & Animating with Forms

Week 7 –Animation Principles / World Building

WEEK 7 – ANIMATION PRINCIPLES   For week 7, we discussed the main animation principles and had to examine how balls bounce in order to practice timing and spacing in animation. We practiced using arcs as well as how squash and stretch can help make animation look more effective. We looked at references such asContinue reading Week 7 –Animation Principles / World Building

Week 6 – World Building / One-on-One Tutorials

WEEK 6 – WORLD BUILDING / ONE-ON-ONE TUTORIALS   This week we were able to move into the Design A World group that we enjoyed most, and although I loved the ideas and concepts that I and other groups thought of together, the group that I returned to was Group 3 with the shattered world.Continue reading Week 6 – World Building / One-on-One Tutorials

Week 5 – Character Design / World Building

WEEK 5 – CHARACTER DESIGN / WORLD BUILDING   During Week 5 we were studying character design and what makes an effective and memorable character as well as how to create our own. We looked at well known example from cartoons such as Buggs Bunny from the Looney Toons as well as characters from moviesContinue reading Week 5 – Character Design / World Building