During Week 9, our lecture was on creating an Animatic for our animation and the secondary actions within animation movements. We looked at how to go about creating an animatic, focusing on timing for camera edits and movements across the frames. Animatics do not have to be perfect and should be created with simple lines and made fast.

We also learnt about Secondary Action which follow on from the main action, heightening it. Secondary actions shouldn’t detract or distract from the main action in a scene. We also looked at follow through actions of hair, clothing, tails etc. which continues to move and catch up after the main body stops. I found these principles really helpful to study and learn, and they will hopefully make my animation more effective.


We were assigned this week to create an animatic for our animation project this semester, using our storyboards from the past couple of weeks for keyframe reference.



I was eager to create the animatic for my groups animation project as this effectively displays how the final animation will roughly look.


I am mostly happy with the outcome of my animatic, especially the style and effect of motions and what will happen. The actions are clear and obvious, however, due to time restraints I feel that I have made my animatic too fast and have not timed it accurately, therefore given myself more work to fix. Furthermore, I did not have time to colour or shade in greyscale as I wanted to give a clearer effect of depth and focus.

I removed the high-five from my storyboard, however, it still feels too long and like too much. I would like to improve upon this later and try a simpler concept to animate as I feel it will take too long to animate, thus making the animation less effective and decreasing the quality.


This is our groups combined animatic showing A13X travelling across the worlds, and meeting the other characters!


I believe my animatic worked well with the rest of the group however I would like to adjust the transitions from my part into Jamie’s as I believe it does not flow as smooth as I would like. I think our group worked really well together and everyone’s parts are really effective and well made! However, I feel like my part is out of place and does not flow as well into the others as it should, so I will try to fix this over the next week!

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