Week 5 – Texturing Strategies


Over the week, we were given the task to watch prerecorded content on using Unreal Engine including on how to import, adjust and edit textures, and setting up decals. We were also given an exercise o a kitchen…


During class, we were given a lecture from Michael in the morning on designing a pipeline based on an art style.


After, we were given the activity to download an exercise file with 3 modelled trees in different styles and we had to choose the one with an interesting style to us. We then had to research and define the art style that we wanted to recreate for the tress texture.


Before starting the texture we had to ask ourselves the following two questions:

1) What kind of emotional response is this style trying to convey? Is it meant to be calm, disturbing, exciting, “cute”, etc.

2) Are there any clear rules that define the art style I’m going for? for example: ink lines, two tone color, gradients. soft pastel colours or very saturated colours? paint strokes etc etc. try to break down the style into as many little bits of information as possible that can inform your texturing. Think about the style as a whole at this stage not just the texture.

After answering these consider if there are any small modelling changes you might want to make to the chosen tree to suit the style better. Perhaps making elements of them sharper or warping the shape in some way?


I chose the … tree and decided to research various trees in animation and video-games that would inspire how I wanted to texture it.



Once I had finished researching, I decided to remodel the tree slightly.


Once I had finished my research and planning for the tree art style, I decided to get started on texturing using Substance Painter. I watched the Substance tip videos given to us on Blackboard from our lecturers in order to help me.

Substance Tutorial Link:


[Substance IMGS]


If you have enough time, try to also bring the texture back into Maya or blender (or import the model and texture into unreal) to light it and present a final render that shows off your chosen style.


After I was finished with the model and texturing, I brought the model into Maya in order to add lighting and render the scene.


To finish put up this final image plus a small write up on your blog discussing why you chose the style you did, your answers to the above questions and your thoughts on the activity.

Final Result:


I thought the activity …



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