For Week 12 we had to create and prerecord a 10-minute presentation in our animation groups for this Thursday. We were given a final year’s animation pitch which was really helpful as a guide for us on what we could include and talk about in our presentation.


Me and my group met up on Monday for a group call to decide how to create the presentation. Joseph made an online PowerPoint which we all then worked on to put our animation work and pitch onto. Then Amber wrote out a rough script and we all were assigned parts to read. Everyone had to record an evaluation of their animation work and what they are hoping to change this week before the final deadline.


We all completed our separate parts and recordings for the presentation, which were then sent to Jodie to edit everything together with sound and music. It was uploaded to Google Drive to then send to Alec to be watched in class.


I think me and my group worked well in organising group calls to discuss how to create the presentation and what each person needed to do. Most of the group were very good at working in a team and working together however there was a couple of moments when we could not contact or receive the work from others, giving editors more work to do.

Presentation Link:


The presentation turned out really well thanks to Jodie’s editing and everyone’s combined efforts despite having had a lot of work to do for deadlines this week, and I am very proud of it!




Alongside the presentation work, I continued to work on my animation as well as my essay draft for Yuan this week, and so I managed to get most of the rough lined animations for the final animation done. I would have liked to have completely lined the animation however I did not have enough time with everything on this week and so I will complete it over the next few days.


Full Rough Lined Animation:


As said in the presentation, for my animation, I started by drawing the backgrounds and figuring out the composition and colour scheme. I then drew a rough sketch animation to figure out the character movements and then started lining these. I had decided to change parts that I had planned in the animatic slightly to make my animation flow better.

To complete my animation, I still have to finish the line work and colour it. I would also maybe like to make the characters movements more fluid and accurate, but overall, I am so far pleased with how my animation is turning out.

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