Week 4 – Asset list

Asset list

This week we realised we were starting to fall behind as it is week 4 and we still didn’t have a proper asset list. So we made it our top priority to get that done at the start of the week. In a group we set up a spreadsheet and divided it up into separate sections for each area. We then all just added to it throughout the week. Below shows what it looked like by the end of the week. Red are unassigned, green is assigned and yellow is urgent/ first to do.


We will continue to add to this throughout if we think of any more assets. For the rest of the week I began making more models. Starting with the coffee table and chair as I knew they would be fairly easy.

For the coffee table I just used cubes, shaping and joining them to make the table. I was making sure to keep it low poly as to fit the style. Although now I had realised that I had forgot about deforming the table to fit the style. So I went back and stretched one end while shrining the other. I even took one of the corners and pulled it out a bit. Below shows the model placed next to the Unreal mannequin. I did this so I had a sense of scale when making it, knowing this will be the hight of the player in game.


Next I UV mapped it and took it into Substance painter for texturing. I used a basic wood base material then made it really rough, added a mask for the edges to make them look scratched and finally added a dust texture in places to give it a old, worn look. I used a reference image of an old wooden table to give me a sense of what it should look like. The image is below along with the final look of the table in Unreal.




Next I created the chair model. I wanted it to be very basic and low poly so I didn’t give it much of a creative look. I even used a reference image of what a very basic chair looks like. I simply put together some cuboids then made sure to stretch parts of it to fit the art style. I also angled the legs weirdly. Below is the model and the reference I mage I used.


After UV mapping it I textured it in Substance. I made sure to texture it with the same type of wood as I did the coffee table so they did not stand part and the style is consistent. Below is the final model in Unreal.


that is all I got done this week. Next week I will continue to work on making models.


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