Week 8 – Character inspiration

Character Inspiration


To begin the process of designing my penguin model I first looked at a number of different penguin drawings and designs for inspiration.


I want to go for a simple cartoony design with a non realistic look so I looked at drawings that have nice curves and no complicated edges, just smooth. I like the simple rounded arms and I feel I could pose them easily if I wanted to. I want to add some props or clothing to the penguin in order to give him some personality. The 4th image shows a chef hat on the penguin which I think looks really nice and I would love to add something like that to my model. I also like the look of the glasses on some of the images as I feel they really add personality and life to the penguin. Another aspect of the images I have noticed was the different types of body colour and style. Some have white belly’s and faces while others have grey body’s with black and white heads. I personally prefer the classic black body with white belly and face, and having a streak of black come down the middle of the head. I really like the ones with bright orange feet and nose and I will certainly be using a triangular nose.


After plenty of thought and researching I now know what kind of look I want for my penguin. I will use a simple cartoony look with a smooth body instead of adding feathers and i will add a pair of glasses and a chef hat. I will go for the classic black with white belly look. I will now get to work on drawing up designs.


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