Final Reflections

Finally my project is finished and overall I am very happy with the results. It has been a long 9 months and working alone for so long has not been easy. While I feel I was able to stick to my own schedule pretty well, there were times where the work load was overwhelming and I fell behind. I feel that my skills and my knowledge have grown immensely and this project has pushed me to try new methods and techniques that I never would have thought of before. Using Unreal Engine for so long has shown me better ways to do things and made me feel excited to use the software in my future career. After submission I will keep working on my project as there are still new things I want to try and I am still determined to get the ACES colour management to work for me.

Below is my final film, I hope you enjoy!

WAYWARD – Final Cut



3D Previs

Deer model

Deer Turnaround

Deer final look


Lake Oak tree

Portal doorway + arch

Forest Shack

Tree models

Ivy foliage 

Small plants





Plant growth + foliage wind effect

Portal appearing + archway + transition effect

Embergen smoke effect

Deer appearance effect

Deer dissolve effcet

Snow storm effect

Virtual camera effect

Moving lights effect




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