week 10 – Backgrounds


This week I began working on the backgrounds for my shots, building upon my animatic shots. I managed to complete 3 backgrounds this week as I found it very difficult to draw them. I was careful to consider where my characters would be in each shot and made sure not to add too much detail as to not take away from actual animation. When I began drawing my backgrounds I found it difficult to picture how a mushroom forest should look from a distance so in order to help me I went back and found more reference images that fit the type of perspectives and compositions I want.

This is my first background. I have made it very large as I wish to pan down from the sky at the top to show to landscape below. I will have the characters walking in the distance along the flast green area.

Here I have animated how the camera will move in the shot.


Below is my second shots background where I will show a low eye level shot of thew characters legs walking past. There will be no camera movement in this one.

Finally here is my third background which I again have also animated to show how the camera will move. In this shot however I will have no moving characters but I will have to animate the river flowing.



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