week 4 – 3D Animation

3D animation

This week we began learning how to animate 3D objects in Maya. As an easy way for us to start we began with a simple ball bounce animation, having a ball bounce off the ground, off a wall and land.


I found this very difficult to begin with but after some time and practice I began to understand the process better and how to animate properly in Maya. By the end I found this animation fairly simple to make.

Assignment 3


Since last week my group has come up with a story idea and  created a simple presentation on what we have discussed so far and what work we have each done to progress our ideas. Below is the presentation and a synopsis for our story.


Our story starts with a cloud that isn’t like the other clouds, These clouds already have there shapes (examples Stratus, Cumulus, Cirrus). We have a little thought bubble off our cloud wanting to find his shape and fit in with the other clouds. Getting excited and determined to find his own shape, Setting off in his journey to find his shape and find himself along the way. He tries to copy other clouds shapes but doesn’t quite get it right and fails time and time again, Feeling disappointed and disheartened with himself. He gets a little upset and caught up in his feelings (Thunder and rain happen) Another way of expressing his emotions while trying to find his shape. Thinking back or looking at the other clouds who already have there shapes makes him sad and little does he know he discovered his own and true shape all along. Seeing his reflection, He realised that he was already the best that he could be and had already had his shape. Our moral to this story is that your perfect just how you are.


And here is my work that I did over the past week. I created I a very rough storyboard, looked at many different inspiration ideas and created a few concept designs for the main character.


As you can see we are going for a cute cloud look that is low poly and will have 2D animated eyes and mouth. After looking at many different images for inspiration I found this was the best look for our animation and a high poly look would too hard and time consuming and would not give us the look or effect we are after.

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