Week 3 – Assignments 2 and 3

Assignment 2

This week we were introduced to our next two assignments which we will be working on at the same time. For assignment 2 we must:

Create 2 short animations:

  • One should be a study in weight of motion / body mechanics of the character – An action the involves the whole body moving – for example jumping.
  • The 2nd animation should be a study in conveying emotion / personality of character – For example scared / happy.
    Outcomes should be individual, but share useful info, techniques and your work in progress with classmates and tutors for formative feedback during the semester.


For this we must use the Monty Rig or Ultimate Walker Rig that have been given to us.


Assignment 3


For assignment 3 we must:

Your 3rd assignment finds you in new teams to create a animated short based on the theme of ‘Adventure’

Teams will need to balance the to start of 3D previs production against the need to give ideation, conceptualisation, and planning enough time and energy to evolve.  It’s important to remember animation is a radio play with pictures – think early on about how sound will balance your pace and and impact the appeal & emotion of your work.

After brainstorming with my group we have decided to make an animation based on a small cute cloud. We will now work on developing a story and character designs.


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