

Overall I am very happy with how my staff turned out and I found the process of making it very fun and interesting. I especially enjoyed modelling the staff in Maya, although I did find it very hard at first. I struggled with the UV mapping of the model and with modelling the dragon’s head however after some feedback and help I was able to do it properly and correctly. I feel I learned a lot about how to use Maya and my skills progressed greatly. I  also found Substance Painter very fun and interesting. Playing around with different materials and experimenting taught me a lot about how to use it and what goes well with each other. I believe the materials I chose for each part of my staff work well and I love how the metal dragon contrasts the wooden staff. I also like the glow of the dragon’s eyes and the gem, I feel it really gives the staff a sense of magic and power. Sketchfab was also interesting to use as I like how it really changed and material’s looks and how they interact with the light. I have learned lots so far this semester and although I found 3D modelling hard at the beginning, I am now far more confident at it and I really enjoy creating things in Maya.

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