Week 13 – Finishing the Animation

Finishing the Animation

This week I worked on completing my animation by adding the final character animations to the last few shots and editing it all together. Below is my completed animation.

I found animating A13X’s feet as she walked to be very challenging as I have never attempted to animate someone walking before. To help myself I looked at this reference image of a walk cycle, focusing on the part of the feet movements. I found that I needed add more bending in the toes to make the movement seem more fluid.

other than for the first two shots I did not struggle too much while animating. Animating Beau was very simple as his shape made it easy to move him.

Overall I believe my animation looks good and flows well with the rest of the groups. Through careful planning and organisation I was able to create a simple yet effective animation which tells our story well. What I enjoyed most about this process was drawing the backgrounds as drawing digitally was new to me and although I did struggle at first I eventually found it fun to do. Animating characters was also new to me and I did struggle a lot to do it right and make the movement looks realistic however I believe it turned out well. I have learned a lot in the past few months and I have found it very interesting to see how an animation is produced.



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