Week 8 – Flour Sack animation

Flour Sack Animation


This week we looked at how to animate a flour sack and show it moving in a dynamic way. This was a bit more advanced than the pervious weeks task of animating a bouncing ball as the flour sack changes form a lot throughout the movements. On my first attempt I tired showing the flour sack performing a simple jump using very rough, sketchy line work. I tired to follow the simple guide we were given and I first plotted out where the sack would go in the air. I then drew the extreme positions of the sack at the start middle and end, making sure to look at the timing and spacing of them. Finally I drew in the inbetweens and spaced them accordingly to the speed the sack would be travelling at those particular points. However, overall I feel the jump looks very glitchy and does not flow well. Below are also reference images I used to see the different ways the sack can move.


For my next attempt I showed the flour sack performing the same jump but I tried to make it look more fluid and smooth.I used the same method as before and I also tried to use cleaner line work.




Another thing I worked on this week was the storyboard for my section of the groups chain animation. I will be number 5 in the sequence showing the introduction of the character Beau. Below shows my rough storyboard with arrows to show characters movement and camera directions.

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