Week 5 – Characters



For week 5 we began to look at our characters in more depth and started deciding on specific designs, personalities and backgrounds for each character. Below shows my initial brainstorming for each character’s traits.


After writing this out it became clear there was still a lot figure out for each character. In order to gain specific details for each character we had a group meeting and discussed them. This allowed me to then go back and properly design three of the characters and write out their personalities. Below are my designs with selections of possible colours and small design changes.

For the characters of Hazel and Booyah I simply drew my own variation of the designs we agreed upon in the group which another group member created. For Beau I used reference images to create my own design as we had not yet agreed upon one. I drew inspiration from the characters Baymax and Totoro as I wanted to make Beau very large, round and have a simple look to him.  I also looked at photographs of mushrooms to get ideas for colours for him.

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