Composition and Perspective
In our second week we looked at composition and perspective in drawing. To first gain an understanding we began by looking at scenes from animations and seeing what types of composition and perspectives they use. I looked for the use of one and two point perspectives in the TV show Adventure Time and used coloured lines to show the direction of the perspective. I found it quite difficult to distinguish the perspectives in most shots and the art style used in this show made it difficult to tell whether the perspective was one or two point.
Another part of the second week is that we began work on the Design a World project in our set groups. We started by brainstorming possible ideas for our world and after looking at a wide range of them we settled on creating a forest world with a portal to a crystal cave system.
Thumbnail composition drawings
In order to help us begin designing our world we were tasked with drawing 12 thumbnail pictures based around it. This was to also develop our knowledge about composition in drawings. Here are my 12 drawings where 6 are set in the forest world landscape and 6 set in the crystal cave system. I found this really helped me envision the world and by sharing our drawings within the group we were able to select the best ideas from each group member. Below are my thumbnail drawings and some reference images I used.
Initial character concepts
Once we decided on the landscapes and setting of our world, we then looked at the characters and creatures within it. Since the main part of our world was set in the forest, we chose to have creatures like mushroom people, leaf people and flower people. In the crystal caves we chose to have small candle people as we felt it would be nice to have small lights running about dark crystal caves. Below are my initial concepts for some of the characters.