Week 9 – Presentations

This week we presented what we had done for our animation over the Easter break. This was our presentation!

 Presentation (canva.com)


We got some feedback in class; unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it in but Ellie kindly wrote all the points that was made in our discord and we began to discuss what we needed to change.


We all decided to make our ghosts more ‘glowy’ and to also make it to that the tail of the ghost was transparent. To do this, Janet kindly offered to help and Ellie also sent in videos she used as awell as a screenshot of what her nodes looked like!


I was struggling a little with mine but with help from Ellie, I finally got it working! This is what my character now looks like:


Ellie kindly wrote what we needed to get done and the ideal timeframe to get it done by so I followed it! I wanted to re-do my previs as I wanted to do the start of the animation so I made a quick storyboard


I made a word doc splitting up each part of the animation with different colours so we could all pick which part we wanted to do!

After this, I went into blender and began making the previs. I was struggling a little with the graph editor as it was confusing me so I looked up a YouTube video which helped:

I finally made the previs for the part I wanted however, it ended up being 30 seconds which would be way too long. This is what it was looking like before:


I didn’t know what scenes to cut out to make it shorter so I used capcut to split the scenes up to see what ones to make shorter and I was able to cut it down to 15/16 seconds and this is what it turned out like:

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