Week 12 // Final Animation

This week we presented online. Seeing everyone’s animations so far was super cool and I was excited to see what everyone had came up with. When it came to my groups turn, we got feedback at the end; the feedback for me was to add a secondary action to the walk cycle for the girl I drew, such as making her hair bounce/ move.


Mainly this week, I already had started piecing the animation together so all I really needed to do was the end scene, fix the walk cycle, put it all together and add sound! For the walk cycle, I struggled a little trying to move her hair because I wasn’t too sure on how I should do it/ how it should look like so I looked up references to try understand a bit more. I found walk cycle references from pinterest of Chihiro from Spirited Away.

I also watched a few videos! I wanted my hair to look subtle:

I re-added these to all my scenes and after this, I merged all of the scenes together. I found sounds that I thought would go with my animation and this is what the final thing looks like:

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