all character turn around

Week 5 // Characters

This week, we focused on character design! Specifically, making character turnarounds, working on their expressions and a few bits of groupwork as it was our final week of groupwork before we could pick our own teams!


The first exercise we done was to make a character reference sheet. I chose my mouse character that I designed and focused on its’ facial expressions – I found it a little difficult to try express emotions through the drawing so I used references to try help me. I found that pinterest had good references and I also looked at the living lines library because I wasn’t too sure how to express emotions for animals! I specifically looked at bambi:





This was my final character reference sheet:

mouse facial expressions

The second task was the most difficult – creating a character model sheet. I wanted to try draw a full one, including a 3/4 view just to try test myself! As I started doing it, I didn’t really like the way the character was looking from the front view and side view so I just kept trying and I’m happy with the final ones I chose – I’ve never done one before so I’m proud :DD. I also got confused on how I should lay them out for it to make sense but I think (hopefully) I figured it out!

mouse turnaround


Our final task was to make a character line-up of the front pose of each of our characters! This is what it looked like:

all character turn around

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