zubat model

Week 3 // Vase, Milkshake and Zubat

This week after seeing our tasks, I was so excited to start making them! We made a milkshake cup, and we also made a flower vase! One of the focuses for us this week was to think about Beizer curves and figure out how to use them. First, I started off with the milkshake bottle and all was going well until I used the bevel tool (it’s always the bevel tool that I mess up on) and ended up making a mess of the liquid inside the bottle and it made the lid of the cup not look as smooth as I liked it. Luckily, it was all fixed and Mike helped me figure out the problems that I had! 

This is what my milkshake looks like after the texturing and lighting!: 

milkshake bottle


Our next task was to make a vase with a flower in it.  I made another mistake using the bevel tool (it’s out to get me). The edges weren’t sitting straight so I kept trying to fix it, but the more I tried, the worse it got so I just ended up deleting it and I got it! 


vase mistakevase fixed


This is the final vase: 

Vase finished


Our homework task was to create Zubat. I struggled with the Zubat when making the mouth as it wouldn’t scale and when it extruded it looked weird but luckily I got it fixed! 

zubat mistake 2

zubat mistake 1

zubat inside fixedzubat mouth fixed

For the wings as well, I wanted them to be blue on the back of them but every time I went to texture it, it would show through both faces. To fix this, I duplicated the faces and changed the colour and but it on the back of the wings!  This is what the final Zubat model looks like:

zubat model

 This is the animation of my Zubat flying!



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