6 thumbnails

Week 2 // World Building ~ Composition and Perspective

In our class this week, our group spoke a little more about our idea for the world; we came up with ideas such as making our world into a multiverse where our five ideas are shown as TV channels and somehow there’s always a little piece of the guy who is watching the tv, in the different shows. We also had an idea that whenever you see the guy who is watching the show, you also see another guy watching him at the end (bit of a mouthful) , which I really liked, and thought was funny! 


This week, we learnt about composition and perspective; we started off with a few tasks. Our first one was to sketch out a quick, rough thumbnail composition of our current world idea using the rule of thirds or the golden ratio. I found that I preferred doing the rule of thirds, so I used that for this composition and decided to add a quick stickman to make it look like there was a person stuck in the tv!


world sketch


Next, we had to take photos in the classroom that looked symmetrical so me and Rosalyn took these photos:





Another exercise was to take 3 screenshots of our favourite animations and draw over lines with their key positions and geometry to try to find their composition. At first, I found this hard as composition is something I’ve never studied/ watched any videos on. However, these are my final 3 scenes I selected: 


animation compostion


Our final two tasks were to use 1 point and 2 point perspective grids and try to draw cu es and rectangles. I liked this exercise as it is something I have worked on before so I felt confident. 




For homework, we had to create 6 thumbnails of the world that we decided as a team, using only a simple tonal range. Whenever I tried to begin this homework, I found it difficult to come up with ideas that used different layouts, however I watched a YouTube video that helped me understand a little bit more on what to do. This is the video I found helpful! 



As our group’s idea is a TV world, each time the channel changes, the theme changes so I split the thumbnails into 6 different themes. These are my 6 thumbnails! 


6 thumbnails

In week 2, I made a discord server for everyone to join so we could speak more and call! We didn’t really do anything else for the group (it’s so hard trying to work around each other and find the right times to talk D’: ) however, we all kind of decided what each of us felt comfortable drawing! 


discord evidence 1discord evidence 2



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