tie fighter render

Week 2 // Tie Interceptor

In week 2, we learnt about some other fundamentals of Blender such as the bevel, extrusion and knife tool, as well as learning about loops. We also learnt about quads, poly modelling, sculpting and topology. In class, our tasks were to make a skateboard and a pull kart to get us to think about how these objects are made by breaking down different shapes. 

The first task we done was creating a skateboard. Getting used to the bevel and extrusion tool was something I was confused at when I seen it on blender as I didn’t understand what it done or how it worked but after a while, it became a lot easier to understand and use. Making the skateboard was super fun and I found myself really getting into it! When the top of the skateboard was finished, I was about to start the wheels when I noticed after smoothing the skateboard, it looked like something was sticking out. This was resolved after asking for some help and now I realise that it was a mistake I made whilst bevelling! 



skateboard mistake


skateboard fixed



After adding colour, lighting and a room, this is how the final skateboard looked! 

 skateboard finished


We also got tasked with making a pull kart. This is what my final pull kart looked like! 


Our homework for this week was to re-create a tie interceptor from Star Wars and an extra optional challenge was to create a simple path animation for it! During my creation of the tie fighter, I struggled whenever I tried to bevel anything as it seemed to be going inverted and just didn’t look right no matter how many times I tried. After a while (admittedly way too long) I realised that the ‘shape’ part said 0 instead of 0.5! 


shape mistake


mistake tie fighter


This is my final model screenshot: 

tie fighter render


This is the final video with lighting and an animation path (there’s also sound): 

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