radish spirit

Week 1 // Shape and Form

In week 1, I was super nervous! I didn’t know what to expect and I thought it was going to start off in the deep end as I’mnew to everything animation related (I always overthink :’D) but it was super fun! We learnt about form and shape. Before doing anything, we were shown a few warmup tasks such as drawing lines as straight as we could, drawing circles and trying to draw ‘s’ shapes. I followed this exercise whilst drawing on Krita.

circles lines s


After this, our task was to come up with as many different shapes we could think of and to try adding depth to them to get us to think about 3D forms. After this was finished, we used some of these same shapes to try coming up with ideas for how we would shape our characters. I found this a little challenging as I felt I was depending on spheres too much and I thought that I was doing it wrong. However, as I started doing more, I found it fun and I tried to make them look cute and funny and give them a bit of personality! 

3D forms character shapes

After practicing these, our homework for the week was to find our favourite 3 characters and use 3D forms to block out the shapes which were used to create them. For my characters, I wanted to try different art styles so I could see which one suited me the most and which ones I found the best to draw! For my characters, I chose Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, ‘Radish Spirit’ Spirited Away and ‘Mabel’ from Gravity Falls.  To try challenge myself, I decided to try draw them after figuring out what forms were used and where they went! These are my drawings: princess bubblegum

While drawing the forms for Princess Bubblegum, I realized that it made it much easier as she isn’t made up using a lot of different shapes. Using these forms as well made it a lot easier for me to redraw her figure which is shown beside her. Her limbs are very exaggerated as they are very small and skinny cylinders, which seems to be evident in all Adventure Time characters. 


Mabel was one of the characters who I really liked the art and wanted to incorporate the same type of style within my own art. However, I struggled a bit with her, especially with trying to redraw her proportions. I’m glad that this was the case, however, as it has taught me what I tend to struggle with, and I can look back and reflect on my progress throughout the year. 

radish spirit

I thought that the forms for his character would be hard however, the Radish Spirit was definitely the most fun to draw as his shapes were more circular; spheres and cylinders were the main forms used throughout his character. I feel that he was a lot easier to draw compared to Mabel and I really want to incorporate this type of style within my art.  

And I’m super excited to learn more in the future!

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